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Grating Cheese Weight and Volume

Follow these directions for grate size: It can dramatically impact the outcome of your recipe.

When we run a recipe calling for a grated hard cheese such as Parmesan or Pecorino Romano, we always include not only the weight but also the grate size desired. As the chart below amply demonstrates, this is because volume can vary significantly depending on size: The same 1 ounce of cheese can equal 1/2 cup of grated cheese—or half of that amount. So always follow the directions for grate size: It can dramatically impact the outcome of your recipe.

Grated medium on box grater 1 ounce hard cheese = 1/3 cup

Grated fine on rasp-style grater 1 ounce hard cheese = 1/2 cup

Grated coarse on box grater 1 ounce hard cheese = 1/4 cup

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